We are delighted to welcome Faisal Badroen to our board of advisors.
Faisal Badroen is an international corporate advisor with over forty years of experience in finance and investment. He specializes in financial and corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions. Based in Indonesia, Faisal has a longstanding presence in the government, financial and education sectors.
Currently, Faisal is partner and consultant at AFG Venture Group Indonesia; Director at PT. Indo Marine Teknologi that specializes in marine equipment; and President Commissioner at PT. Mitra Nelayan Sejahtera that manages and develops fisheries. Prior to these roles, he held senior positions at Gobel Group and Bakrie Group. For nearly two decades, Faisal was lecturer of business and finance at the Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatulah Jakarta, where for part of that time he was Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Faisal has a strong interest in social organization, community development and sustainability. He serves as Head of the Renewable Energy and Maritime Department for the Indonesian Muslim Businessmen Association, and is a member of the Economic Empowerment Commission for the Central Board of the Indonesian Council of Ulama.